
Cornell Johnson interview

[日期:2005-03-03] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:qr999 [字体: ]

--  作者:qr999
--  发布时间:2004-3-3 10:57:00

--  Cornell Johnson interview
I applied for 1/15 round.  Haven\'t heard from them.  I understood that cornell is extremely slow by prior posts.  Wonder if anybody heard from them or had interview experience with them.
Thanks in advance.
--  作者:五日后
--  发布时间:2004-3-3 12:04:00

I had interview in the first round, but failed to get in. Be prepared to give additional example for your certain quality if asked.Heard the rumor that it would help if you are in SH rather than in BJ. Anyway, good luck.
--  作者:terp
--  发布时间:2004-3-3 13:15:00

good luck.
--  作者:mikelin
--  发布时间:2004-3-4 11:32:00


以下是引用五日后在2004-3-3 12:04:00的发言:
I had interview in the first round, but failed to get in. Be prepared to give additional example for your certain quality if asked.Heard the rumor that it would help if you are in SH rather than in BJ. Anyway, good luck.


Would you please share the interview questions for me?Thank you very much.
--  作者:五日后
--  发布时间:2004-3-4 12:08:00

I forgot, really. These questions were asked based on your applying material. The only memory left is about skill and lesson learned from leading a team.
--  作者:qr999
--  发布时间:2004-3-5 8:22:00

Thx all.  Still haven\'t heard from them.  But got the offer from Darden, relieved a bit.
--  作者:terp
--  发布时间:2004-3-5 8:23:00

--  作者:RubyWW
--  发布时间:2004-3-18 2:49:00

--  will finish before 25 Mar

以下是引用五日后在2004-3-3 12:04:00的发言:
I had interview in the first round, but failed to get in. Be prepared to give additional example for your certain quality if asked.Heard the rumor that it would help if you are in SH rather than in BJ. Anyway, good luck.


     I got the invitation.  They suggest 3 interviewers in Beijing and Shenzhen, respectively.  What\'s your experience?


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