
INSEAD MiM 24 fall R2 Kira 面经总结 [2023.12.18]

[日期:2023-12-24] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:komorebi12 [字体: ]


  1. Any involvement or leadership experience the social responsibility par
  2. 一次必须改变想法的经验想法 and why?
  3. How did you handle your bias?
  4. What is diversity according to you?
  5. How do you take risks and learn from it?
  6. One of your failures and what have you learned?
  7. Describe one situation where you faced an ethical dilemma. How did you resolve it? What factors did you consider while resolving it?
  8. 早上起来会做什么 that makes you really smile?
  9. 目前你人生中哪个时刻对你最为重要?
  10. If you could turn back the clock and do one thing in your life differently, what would it be?
  11. Describe one of your life goals, and how are you going to meet the goal?
  12. 10 年后你希望有哪些成就?
  13. 选一个你想和他共进晚餐的人?
  14. If time and money are not an issue, what would you do in your next 24 hours?
  15. 如果有无限的资源,你会做什么让世界更美好?


  1. Why INSEAD?
  2. 在 INSEAD 的学习目标,想学到什么?
  3. In one minute tell me how INSEAD fits into your career plan.
  4. How would you see yourself at INSEAD?
  5. How do you measure your INSEAD study to be a successful choice?e
  6. What's your own contribution to the program that other people can.' achieve?


  1. What challenging goals have you set for yourself in your career?
  2. 你的职涯中最大的进步是什么?
  3. 你最崇拜的企业家?
  4. 你对于未来同事有什么期待?
  5. 你认为学生和在公司工作的主要区别是什么?
  6. What are the important factors you think to start a new business and run it?
  7. 你的公司的 business priority 现在变了,你如何让你的工作伙伴去适应新的 goal?
  8. Describe a time when you got negative feedback from a manager or professor. How did it make you feel?
  9. Do you think a manager should praise a team as a whole or individuals?
  10. If nobody's around you to tell you that your work is good enough, when would you consider it done?e


  1. Three takeaways in a team project that help you succeed?
  2. What are the most important values and ethics that you demonstrate as a leader?
  3. What constitutes unethical leadership?
  4. 在团队中,什么是你最不能容忍的态度?
  5. What is the most challenging aspect of working with you?
  6. 在小组合作中,组员和你说没有完成任务,你怎么做?
  7. 如果你是群组里的新人,seniors 不愿意跟你分享咨询,你怎么做?
  8. What if a team member always tries to dominate the conversation and always sticks to his own opinion, what will you do?
  9. 如果团队中成员非常害羞,不愿意开口,你会怎么做?
  10. 如何解決团队成员之间的矛盾 conflicts?
  11. How would you deal with the situation when your best friend was working in the same team and got into a conflict with you?
  12. 在 group work 中如果与队友有了分歧,怎么说服他们?
  13. Tell us about a time when you saw someone doing something in a very different manner than yours.
  14. 请描述一个你曾经彻底改变你的做事方式,以完全配合他人的经验。


  1. Please tell me about an experience that you were positively impacted by communicating with individuals in different cultures.
  2. 和说不同语言的人工作的经验学到了什么?
  3. If one of your classmates has a weird accent and it is difficult to understand, what would you do or say?
  4. Tell me about a time when you had to speak with someone who had an accent or couldn't speak the same language as you.
  5. 外国人第一次造访你的国家,你会给他什么?
  6. 你相信入境隨俗吗?为什么?
  7. You're sitting at a table as the only foreigner with a group of people talking in their own language. What would you do?
  8. Describe a time when you contributed to diversity and inclusion.


  1. 描述一个你在更深入了解你的朋友后,更理解对方的经历?
  2. 朋友让你失望的经历?
  3. 你当你进入一个新环境,发现很讨厌某个人时你会怎么做?
  4. 如何说服別人,改变对某人或某事的看法(change perspectives)?




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